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Emollient and rich in polyphenols. It helps to maintain the hydro-lipid balance of the skin, smoothing and at the same time leaving the skin soft and moisturized.
Il sapone si presenta come un piccolo cuore solido del peso medio di circa 18 gr. Viene prodotto per saponificazione con metodo a freddo di olio extra-vergine di oliva e confezionato solamente dopo una stagionatura di due mesi.
Artisan Shampoo and shower gel, with a fluid consistency, created using only vegetable-dervied surfactants and containing rosemary water extract, extra virgin olive oil and green mandarine oil. Equilibrating and tonic properties. Particularly suitable for dry and/or normal skin and hair.
The soap presents itself as a solid little brick with average weight of about 85 g. It is produced by saponification with cold method of extra-virgin olive oil and packaged only after a maturation of two months using only paper and rope.
The soap presents itself as a solid little brick with average weight of about 85 g. It is produced by saponification with cold method of extra-virgin olive oil and packaged only after a maturation of two months using only paper and rope.
Zart, cremig und feuchtigkeitsspendend dank den im Olivenöl, Feigenkaktus und Hartweizenmehl enthaltenen Wirkstoffen. Reich an Polysacchariden, die im Extrakt des Feigenkaktus sowie im Hartweizenmehl enthalten sind und der Seife eine regenerierende Wirkung verleihen. Hilft, die richtige Balance der Hydro-Lipid-Schicht der Haut zu halten.
Gentle, creamy and emollient because of the synergy of active principles of extra virgin olive oil and those contained in the Carob flour. Rich in sugars, vegetable fibers, vitamins and mineral salts contained in Carob flour, it helps to maintain the hydor-lipic equilibrium of the skin, nourishing and at the same time smoothing and moisturizing the skin.
The soap presents itself as a solid little brick with average weight of about 85 g. It is produced by saponification with cold method of extra-virgin olive oil and packaged only after a maturation of two months using only paper and rope.
Artisan Shampoo and shower gel created using only vegetable-dervied surfactants and containing myrtus communis leaf water extracts and red orange oil. Fluid consistency and astringent, dermopurifying and normalizing properties,with a fresh and fruity parfume. Particularly suitable for any kind of skin and hair.
Artisan solid Shampoo created using only vegetable-dervied surfactants and containing extravirgin olive oil,. tumminia flour, thyme and lemon oil. Astringent, dermopurifying and normalizing properties. Particularly suitable for greasy and/or normal hair.
Natural roll on deodorant, without aluminium salts and antiperspirants, offers a good protection from the formation of bad odors, allowing the skin to breathe and giving it a fresh perfume of lemon.
Triple action: moisturizing, emollient andnourishing for the high concentration of extra virgin olive oil. Refreshing, soothing andantibacterial properties due to the essential oil of lemon, and the presence of the aqueous extract of rosemary. It helps to maintain the hydro-lipid balance of the skin and counteract the states of dryness. Studied for the treatment of the hands and feet.
Natürlicher Lippenbalsam, spendet Feuchtigkeit, enthält wichtigeNährstoffe. Durch die Zugabe von natürlichem Honig aus sizilianischen Orangenblütenschützt und pflegt es nicht nur trockene, spröde Lippen, sondern hilft auch wunderbar gegen Risse und Entzündungen der Lippenhaut. Hypoallergen, ohne Konservierungs- und Duftstoffe, besonders geeignet für empfindliche oder strapazierte Lippenhaut. Frei von Paraffinen, was besonders bei der Lippenpflege von Bedeutung ist.
Softening and nourishing for the high concentration of extra virgin olive oil. Fresh, repairing and with a sweet parfum due to the properties of the oils in the red orange peel. It helps to maintain the hydrolipidic balance of the skin. Rapid absorption.
Cream rich in extra virgin olive oil with prickly pear extract. Useful for the treatment of dermatitis, skin redness and all those inflammatory manifestations against the skin. Ideal against the frequent cracking, this cream is perfect for a face treatment or to moisturize the skin of your body.
Lemon Essential Oil 100% pure from peel Origin: Sicily Citrus Limonum
Pflegendes, adstringierendes undglättendes Nacht-Öl, mit hohem Anteil an nativem Olivenöl extra. Enthält das ätherische Zitronenöl.Stimuliert die Mikrozirkulation und beugt der Bildung von Augenringen und Falten vor.
Eine sehr konzentrierte Creme mit einem hohem Olivenölgehalt, geeignet für die Nachtaugenpflege.Reich an feuchtigkeitsspendendenund beruhigenden Eigenschaftendank den im Olivenöl und Wasserextrakt aus Echtem Lorbeerenthaltenen Wirkstoffen.Hypoallergen, ohne Konservierungs- und Duftstoffe, frei von Paraffinen.
Natürliches Körperpeeling mit Mittelmeersalz, nativem Olivenöl extra und Zitrone. Mittelmeersalzund geriebene Zitronenschalenentfernen die abgestorbenen Hautschüppchen und Olivenöl macht die Haut glatt und geschmeidig. Stimuliert die Mikrozirkulation.Eine ausgezeichnete Ergänzung derAnti-Cellulite-Behandlung.
Softening and nourishing for the high concentration of extra virgin olive oil. Anti-inflammatory, soothing and firming due to the properties of the oils in the the lemon peel. It helps to maintain the hydrolipidic balance of the skin. Rapid absorption.
Red Orange Essential Oil 100% pure from peel Origin: Sicily Citrus Aurantium
Make up remover for face, eye contour and lips. The water extract of rosemary leaves gives to this product soothing properties. Particularly used as a cleanser for oily skin.
The soap presents itself as a solid little brick with average weight of about 85 g. It is produced by saponification with cold method of extra-virgin olive oil and packaged only after a maturation of two months using only paper and rope.
Green Mandarin Essential Oil 100% pure from peel Origin: Sicily Citrus Nobilis
Sehr reich an Olivenöl und Grapefruit-Öl. Pflegt, schützt, verstärkt undrepariert die Fingernägel sehr schnell.
Grapefruit Essential Oil 100% pure from peel Origin: Sicily Citrus Paradisi
Soothing and nourishing for the high concentration of extra virgin olive oil. Grapefruit essential oil affect as energizing and firming. It helps to maintain the right balance of the skin hydrolipidic layer. Rapid absorption.
Natürliches Körperpeeling mitRohrzucker, Olivenöl undGrapefruit-Öl. Der goldbraune Zucker ist reich an pflegenden Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen. Die feinen Kristalle befreien die Haut sanft von Hornschüppchen und versorgen sie auch dank Olivenöl mit Feuchtigkeit. Das ätherische Grapefruit-Öl stimuliert die Mikrozirkulation,macht die Haut straff und glatt. Eine ausgezeichneteErgänzung der Anti-Cellulite-Behandlung.
Softening and nourishing for the high concentration of extra virgin olive oil.Stimulating and tonic due to the properties of the oils in the green mandarine peel.It helps to maintain the hydrolipidic balance of the skin. Rapid absorption.